On Getting a New Job:
- You can find all of my below Job Offer advice in Kindle or Book form here*.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: Understanding Risk - a reminder that switching jobs can sometimes work out worse than you expect, and that you should be compensated for that risk.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: The Cost of Living - we look at the large impact of physical location on the value of the dollar. Be sure to get the job offer calculator to see how living in San Francisco might cost greater than 70% more than living in Austin.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: Comparing Salaries - we use the cost of living, average salaries, and other data to decide if the salary component of an offer makes sense.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: Benefits - we look at the value of basic benefits.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: Extra Perks - we look at the value of many of the popular perks that developer jobs offer.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: Equity - we examine the real value of stock options and equity, and generally find it lacking.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: Details and Traps - we look at some of the tricks that recruiters can use to mislead you.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: Happiness - a reminder that money isn't everything.
- Evaluating a Developer Job Offer: Conclusions - we wrap things up and offer one last negotiating tool.
On Improving Your Life at Work:
- Fighting for Vacation - tactics for taking the time off you deserve
- Reflect on the Past for a Better Future - how to get better at something
*Moving Average Inc. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Buying items through this link helps sustain my outrageous camera addiction and is much appreciated!